Kirsikka wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
Technical manuals, mostly.
I guess I could technically work at home as well, but I'm almost always in the office. Well, better computers here anyway, and all my anime/manga/music/games are here as well.
Technical manuals, sounds quite difficult. Thugh because of my lack of knowledge how that works.
As long as you have fun with your job <:
It can be fun at times, yes. Can also be quite bad. Really depends on the project.
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Buy a better computer for hom luin.
If I ever have that much money. Strangely enough, I've never owned a computer myself, I just always seem have access to exactly what I need, anyway. :D
HurrDurrpingson wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
Durpi, hello. ^_^
*hugs back*