Welcome to the 4th incarnation of the café!
Maybe you just want to sit, relax and surf through the forums. Or you can't sleep and you've replied to all the interesting topics. Yes, here's the place where you can be at! Anything goes in here, and this is a chance for you to interact with fellow FAKKU! citizens in the forums :)
Just make sure to follow the Forum Rules,
also make sure to keep your posts clean.

Café Rules:
-Avoid using other languages besides from english.
-Put spoilers on large/long images.
Cafe Staff:
Boss/Café Owner: luinthoron
Honorary Co-owner: uLan
General Manager: Kitsune Karin
Head/Executive Chef: HurrDurrpingson
Accountant: Archon1995
Apprentice/Sous Chef: AnzeiKazumi
Pastry Chef:
Head Maid: asaforever
Barista: Hatsuname
Bartender: Kuro vi Lolitannia
Waiter/Butler: Data Zero, Kaypi
Waitress/Maid: Eve Neuschwanstein, Minakami Ryuu, Aisuru, BlinkXPoke
Head of Security: Gahald_Mills
Musician: YuuMinama
Singer: Circe
Security: Revelation
Maintenance: Sabers Praetor
This post pretty much lifted from the previous incarnation of the café. Even this paragraph. After all, it
is the same thing in the end, even if in a new place now. Enjoy your time here!
Lt. Rand0m had the nice idea of having some banners to promote the café in signatures, you can find some here: