Trying out the firefox browser on my phone. Faster, less memory intensive (on this dinosaur) but lacks a few rather extremely helpful that my other browser has.
Trying out the firefox browser on my phone. Faster, less memory intensive (on this dinosaur) but lacks a few rather extremely helpful that my other browser has.
Trying out the firefox browser on my phone. Faster, less memory intensive (on this dinosaur) but lacks a few rather extremely helpful that my other browser has.
A few rather extremely helpful wut?
Things. One for example would be the zoom. If there were two links next to each other my previous browser would create a zoomed in bubble so that I could easily tap the correct link.
The Evil Within comes out tomorrow. I get a bioshock vibe from it so I hope I'll have fun playing it.
And FF13 was a terrible port. Esc terminates the game; like seriously? But I'll see how far I can get without hitting Esc, the grpecis looks nice and the combat wasn't terrible. This is from someone who was played 10 minutes from one of the PS2 Final Fantasy games.
The Evil Within comes out tomorrow. I get a bioshock vibe from it so I hope I'll have fun playing it.
And FF13 was a terrible port. Esc terminates the game; like seriously? But I'll see how far I can get without hitting Esc, the grpecis looks nice and the combat wasn't terrible. This is from someone who was played 10 minutes from one of the PS2 Final Fantasy games.
The Evil Within comes out tomorrow. I get a bioshock vibe from it so I hope I'll have fun playing it.
And FF13 was a terrible port. Esc terminates the game; like seriously? But I'll see how far I can get without hitting Esc, the grpecis looks nice and the combat wasn't terrible. This is from someone who was played 10 minutes from one of the PS2 Final Fantasy games.
I thought Lightning Returns combat was better than 13's.