*huggles* Looky-tan, hello! ^_^
Hatsuname wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
Hatsuname wrote...
Revelation wrote...
Hatsuname wrote...
HurrDurrpingson wrote...
*Locks his room door and lays down with Splat*
I have the Café's master key......
ÛµUnlocks Durpi's room and leaves his door openÛµ
*takes back master key* that was attached to my belt all night, how did u get it?
I've stole it a few days ago and mode 5000+ copies with Luins credit card! :D
I think this goes beyond what café security can solve... Time to call the police.
B...But who will take care of Alice?...... ;-;
It's not my fault I don't get paid enough..
Soon you won't get paid at all when I have to close and sell the café to pay my credit card. I don't make enough money to pay for all the keys in months, and that's not counting monthly living expenses... I guess you can be proud, no one else has managed to kill the café in all these years.