Tsamari wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
Tsamarin, hello. ^_^
[color=#ff69b4]Luin, hello. How have you been?
Also thank you for trying to make Looky-chan happy when i was gone ^^
Mostly busy with anime or TOR. Chapter 1 done with the Bounty Hunter now as well. ^_^
[color=#ff69b4]Never play the BH on TOR only play Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor.
As my signature shows, I have made characters of all classes, although only played through the prologue with most. Have finished Chapter 3 with Jedi Knight, Sith Inquisitor, and Smuggler, though. Bounty Hunter will be the 4th, giving me access to all class-specific buffs with all characters and keeping it nicely balanced between Republic and Empire with 2 characters from both sides done. After that, I guess the Jedi Consular will be next.