Tsamari wrote...
Gubi wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
Gubi wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
Gubi wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
Looky-tan wrote...
Gubi wrote...
Looky-tan wrote...
Want some coffee?
Hi Hi, no that's okay
I'd prefer some Shane or Tsamari-chan instead. With lots of sugar too.

No but i was going to at 1st but i claim the girl from the anime that has been going on longer.
And by them you mean my badges?
Yeah, the badges.
[color=#9400d3]Katsun-chan made them over in the
Tsundere Workshop. I'm waiting for my Koko one now so that i can have Data add it to my sig.
Hey Luin.
-Keeps being cute for Looky-chan-
About that, how did you come to be Data's master?
[color=#9400d3]Durpy stop being Data's master, then Data offered me the contract and i said yes to it.
I'd have thought something much more epic had been going on but oh well. My curiosity is satisfied.
For now. I might ask Durpi about it sometime in the far future.
[color=#9400d3]A lot happen in the my 1st few days here.
"1:1 In the early days there was nothing.
1:2 Then Jacob struck the internet with his finger and thus Fakku was born.
1:3 Then IC came to be and jacob declared this is not good. They all be saying shit. Let us separate the good from the bad.
1:4 And so the sub-forums were created, to protect the few kind minds from the chaotic babblers.
1:5 At first there was only games, and chat, and all was peaceful.
1:6 Then one day, a place was created, that spawned many copies, where people could drink and laugh and cuddle and live.
1:7 It was names the Café.
1:8 And thus things happenned. And they were happy."
I wonder who was the original café creator.
Was it you Luin?