Tsamari wrote...
Gubi wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
Then that suggestion is useless.
Anyway, how are you with weapons?
Anyway, you are at sen fortress right?
There is a ring that increases your defence there.
Its the first one with the rolling iron balls. Evade all and run to the top. Its in the chest.
Infront of it is a lizardman what throws lighting bolts, draw him to the iron balls path of travel and watch him getting squashed.
[color=#ff69b4]I'm trying to make my way out of blighttown right now.
Yes yes, that's always a bitch. Did you find the elevator?
[color=#ff69b4]The only way i have found that it not the way i came from takes me to the valley of drakes.
Correct path.
It does not connect to the hollow dragon.
There is a small bridge. Go over it and to left to reach New Londo. Well, tower of new londo to be precise.
You need a key. If you dont have it, its in the highest platform in blighttown. Chest next to ladder.