Gubi wrote...
I'm no psychologist, so I can't tell you. Maybe you just need to relax? Or sleep less ^^. Sometimes sleeping too much gives me headaches.
[color=#993300]Lol, neither am I, officially, I just read a lot and learned to be a good listener and older sibling
CO2 wrote...
Say I woke up from long dreams with an agonizing headache 3 days in a row. Would that be a reason for concern?
[color=#993300]Well possibly the dreams are causing distress and as a result, can cause pain due to psychosomatic reasons, where the mind manifests mental agony to physical pain. If not, there's a possibility that the way you sleep is creating head pressure to cause the headaches and the brain causes these dreams as a side effect. I would first need to know what kind of headache it is and where it is hurting