Data Zero wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
*Data and troops still hold her on sights and wait*
[color=#993300]Hold hold, I'll taste the cake
*follow the order*
Corellia who?
[color=#993300]Star Wars Planet
And the cakes fine, just tastes like cat food
Ahh ok.
*continues firing at targets*
[color=#993300]I gave up trying to figure which rifle you're holding in that tiny picture, which is it?
Hatsuname wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
*Data and troops still hold her on sights and wait*
[color=#993300]Hold hold, I'll taste the cake
*follow the order*
Corellia who?
[color=#993300]Star Wars Planet
And the cakes fine, just tastes like cat food
It's not made of cat food!!!! D:<.
[color=#993300]*pats* Check the statement, I never said
It was made of cat food rather it
Tastes like it