Hi everyone.. I'm back finally. Sorry I vanished so suddenly yesterday. Was typing a reply and happen to glance down at the clock, which in turn made me realize it was way later than I thought and I had to dash out the door. lol
So I'll post the reply I was working on yesterday regardless. It would be just my luck that I'd go to message Luin and see a post appear in here anyways.. so I figure I'll just post both via PM and in the thread, since my reply is about thread anyhow.
luinthoron wrote...
I did remember you having a job here at some point, yeah. Tried to look up what job you had, but didn't manage to find it, though. Maybe it was before my time...
And I did actually notice you had updated the sig when I opened that spoiler in another thread out of curiosity. :D
It wasn't before your time, though it was awhile back and the nature of my job was a bit.. flexible? Initially I was someone who cleared the tables and covered house. I acted as a server if no tables needed cleared or the usual maids were busy. That kind of thing.
But then the OP went through a sort of updating. It was needed, since some of the staff listed weren't performing the listed duty anymore or didn't get post much. Since I don't share my gender, I was simply moved to the job of "head waiter" since at the time, we needed waiters pretty badly.
I was told that because I was "head waiter" my role was to be server when/if the maids weren't responding to orders, and even more than that, it was my job to look after and protect them. Because of the nature of the thread, I served food if I didn't see recent food posts from any of the maids and would keep the peace if people tried to do anything to them.
I used to post comments like "hey wait your turn" if people complained at them, or "keep your hands off or I'll call security" if patrons got a little grabby. (tripping them used to be a common problem) lol, tbh it was interesting, because I was cast into a male role without being confirmed as a male. So patrons might have seen me as a girl or a guy, I have no idea.
Maybe I should have found a picture of a girl in a suit to use! A picture wouldn't have been proof one way or the other what gender I am and that could add a twist to the whole "waiter" thing. xD
See?! xD No PM needed.