Gubi wrote...
Hello Malholix^^
Your avi is very cute<3
But I see where he comes from if he wants to keep the dev internal. It can get pretty messy.
Though I don't hear much from the mods or the devs in recent months, save for sporadic apparitions of Gambler.
Hi guys! ^^
Thanks Gubi, I hardly change my avi, but when I do it's usually a long process of finding just the right one. So it's nice to know people are still liking this image! :D
As for Jacob, Jacob is always busy. Not that I'm knocking him for that. Personally I dunno where he finds the time to do everything he does. I mean, the site is not his only concern, especially now that he is so well known. I mean, just think of this.. these days, some youtubers are all the rage.
They get millions of views, have their own t-shirts, projects, etc. Some of them can use their viewership to do incredible things due to the mass of people they deal with on a daily basis. They say they can't reply or keep up with all the emails and such for a reason. They just have a video channel..
Jacob runs a whole website, not just some videos. It's not some tiny thing unknown site. If you google "hentai" on the web, F! comes up as a top result. F! has it's own merch, contacts, and royalties to upkeep.. if a couple of people running some videos are swamped I can only imagine what his day must be like, even if he delegates all his duties well.. which if I'm being totally honest, he's not so good at that.
I like gambler well enough. But the presence of site mods is definitely a little lax compared to other sites of this size. My understanding is the mods are people Jacob knows personally, so it's not a common role around here.