SneeakyAsian wrote...
Gubi wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
[color=#993300]It's a Gubi, how do you do?
It's been a while, a long time it's true
It's a Sneaky, for rhyming is hard,
Rhyming with asian, one must be bard!
How does your newest year fare, good friend,
and how was the one that just came to an end?
[color=#993300]We can stop now, if it shall please
I don't want it to be something that brings you to knees
The year end was fair, I can not complain
I just want to have a new year without pain
Such sad words for a beginning,
when on the contrary you should be grinning,
The new year comes with joy and hope,
of a greater, better year, not one over which to mope.
A new beginning, atruly wonderous feeling,
should pervade you, and end with you smiling!