Kiba Eve Fumihiro wrote...
Taz_9000 wrote...
Looky-tan wrote...
"young" 18-27 and that generation just doesn't like working hard...
where i work, there are lot like that, all they want to do is come in stand around and talk and leave without doing any work
I was about to say thats true but since I've had 5 job experiences and everyone (except for the movie theater job that just had teenagers and played around big time) worked hard.
You just have to judge the worksmanship of the individual and not an entire age group. I'd be putting myself down too if I said that were true xD
But yeah. You can definitely get those "skimp around the edges" kids that dont know jack shit about the world and just play around then expect the elders or whoever else to pick up the slack.
It's almost like seeing a bad movie or watching beverely hills people in real life when in reality your just stupid and up your own ass
i don't judge the entire age group, (i am 24) but i do blame the parents that don't teach work ethic and the government who say going to school, college and university will give you high paying job, but in realty it is hard work.