Kiba Eve Fumihiro wrote...
Looky-tan wrote...
Kiba Eve Fumihiro wrote...
Y-yes~ It says it in unsaid thoughts. How you sleep is how you arrrre~
I sleep cuddling my Shane pillow, so....??? unusual? xD
uck it doesnt seem like the person that studied sleep patterns got them all because my moms husband sleeps on his back legs open like he's giving birth every night lmao.
It is quite the odd sight. e.e?
Oh yeah. I wonder what that person would say about cuddlers. o.o They really didnt study all sleep patterns!!! Maybe just the obvious ones
cuddling a pillow, is kinda like fetal position, but you have arms wrapped around the pillow.... so the concept of protection still can apply, but maybe wanting to protect. Also, depending on the length of the pillow, if its a full 160cm pillow then some can have the pillow between their legs with on possibly raised up/over the pillow.... so unusual applies too!