Dr Shaneman wrote...
Taz_9000 wrote...
i don't drink.
got boxes of old dvd's, books and games boxed up to be sent to those sites that buy them off you.
I've got some phone to send off to them.
i checked a few out and use the one that gives me the most,
found musicmagpie offers the lowest price, also looked at the comments and you can make more selling stuff on ebay, gumtree and facebook but that takes more time.
once bought iphone on ebay was bidding for it as it was going cheap used for about a week and didn't like it try to sell it on ebay bought people would do offers but they were to low for me to sell, ended up selling to the on of those sites for the price i bought it at and then sold the box on ebay for a 10 made about £5 profit from it.