luinthoron wrote...
Taz_9000 wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
Still, I can see no sane explanation for why it would do so... It's just a normal image file, so it should show up the same way in either case.
edit: I think I may have figured it out. Opening it with GIMP gives me a message saying that according to its EXIF data the image is rotated. I assume Firefox automatically rotates it when it opens it as a separate file, but keeps the original rotated direction when it's used on a page.
same happens in chrome, but not surprise as firefox now uses Chromium
Not really a problem with them as much as with the iBad saving the image upside down, though.
it is apple, but with ipad and phones have gyroscope to detect which it is being held all it takes is 1 degree to change the gyroscope so you end up with images upside down, landscape.
plus meant about opening in new tab and the browser changing the image so it shows it the right way round.
Dr Shaneman wrote...
the coding for chrome, when google made chrome they made the code open source so other people can make their own browser using chrome as a template.
firefox and opera now use chrome coding and are a Chromium browser.