Dr Shaneman wrote...
Looky-tan wrote...
once I know Shane still is here? xD
You're needier than a dog.
Loyal too Shane though~ *clings*
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Now he'll disappear again.
It could be a long story? Not sure how much I could write about it ^^;;
Ofc I noticed she was there when I got there, but since I always sit at the sushi bar we never have direct interaction nor have we ^^;;
But occasionally she has come up to the counter to grab an order for what ever area she's waiting on and so she started speaking to the sushi staff about a trip she's excited for, some time in mid-June she'll be going to Mexico. I was in hearing distance and the chefs we talking to her about the cities and tourist spots and ofc myself knowing some I joined in on the conversation, which she then asked a few more general questions to us all about Mexico. (foot in the door?)
I recall seeing her later walking by, taking her glasses off, I imagine she might have been cleaning them?? (remember this)
Now I can't remember which was asked first and in what order the next conversations took place:
(This ofc happened first but in what order idk)
Either she first asked if I wanted another beer, which given the situation I had to say yes, just to ensure she'd return ^^;;
She asked my name and ofc I made a joke about not needing to know her's since she had a nametag on
Upon her return with my beer we chatted a bit more about her upcoming trip, I forgot what she mentioned exactly that led to me making a comment about the tape around her glasses. She had apparently "just" broken them, when she was taking them off earlier. Bifocals btw, she has poor sight in general and it was cute seeing her fiddle around and see the orders on the receipts xD
Not much else was discussed, but I got plenty of things I can or could ask next week!