Kiba Eve Fumihiro wrote...
Im relaxing watching people freak out on planes. xD Bad behavior. Jobs that are like "customer service" (As much as we all wanna laugh at that word) it'd be better if anyone that wants a social job or even dealing with kids teaching pre school pfft working in any environment like that those skills would be put to good use! xD
Basically a smooth talker and a situation diffuser. Just like the disgusting old lady that NEVERRR stopped bothering and talking to me because just because I was young (uck fucking old woman not all every person is there own) she said you gotta be a good bullshitter. Yeah people know that but I like being genuine.
hmm forget what else I wanted to say *scratches chin* though its fine to bs sometimes especially if you tired -nods nods-
You need to be a good bullshitter, but you need to be great truth bender in order not to hassle yourself in the future.