Data Zero wrote...
Akiryo wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
Akiryo wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
Akiryo wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
Akiryo wrote...
Yes girly stuff is expensive and not me cause most of that damage too some stuff that looked pretty expensive.
Did you wreck anything???
Maybe....I mean Nope not a thing!
*they appear*
Detain Akiryo!!!
What are Valkyries again?
My assault units!
Now what did you break!!!
They need girly stuff?
Well you know most of the laser tech you have, well how was I suppose to know it wasn't compatible with my old tech......boy that was a light show.
Pay for the stuff you broke!
With what? Pennies from heaven?
That won't happen I burned that bridge long time ago.
I tell you flirt with a bunch of angels and they said "That's not Saint like of you" and I bet you can guess what happened after that.