Looky-tan wrote...
echoeagle3 wrote...
Im probably not that far off in age from you.
Possibly true, but being a student means you don't have a full time job(plus overtime) that eats up your time year round.
Saw it, still won't make me wanna play it, I am not skilled enough for MMO/PC games that have a bunch of stuff/menus/shortcuts/etc all over the screen, never was my thing.
I can see the visual appeal of the game though, just not the rest xD
this is my first mmo.
and am a casual gamer, the longest i played in one ago is about 4/5 hours on this game.
I went and bought PS4 so i could carry playing and then bought all the expansion for it, and keyboard.
i got it set up so the PS4 gamepad is the main control and keyboard is for typing and some hotkey.
@looky there is a lot of option and the art is nice.
this game has so far cost me £360 would have been higher but got a good deal on the PS4