Data Zero wrote...
Akiryo wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
*goes to AI division, checking over growing AI*
Well. Akiryo wanna follow me to see how we raise AI here?
Very well lead the way.
Welcome to AI division.
Creation starts with AI CPE Core making. Then we move to create the AI Code and upload it to the core. And then we wait.
As time progresses, AI grows smarter. Since it is AI, development is very short compared to human mind growing up.
But once matured, the AI must do 1 thing before it can be used.
Have a meltdown, mind crash, berserk status or whatever you want to call it. All AI end up with that state once. We prefer if it happened here, where we can observe it and keep it under control. Gone that state once allows AI to "FIX" itself, if it happens to go to that state once again.
Once that phase is done, AI can be implemented.
Okay I need craft a personal AI for myself.