Data Zero wrote...
Akiryo wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
Akiryo wrote...
-returns from the AI division damaged-
Went bit wild?
You want the short version or the long version.
Well we started to induce 'rage' state during the night, everything was going according to plan 'she' did get rather hostile but seemed to snap out it instantly which was a surprise to most of the crew.
After a round of tests it was determined 'she' was deemed ready to be uploaded into 'her' body, once it was done more tests were run and everything checked out.
Once 'she' was mobile more tests were done too see if she was adjusting well to 'her' new body, everything was green lit so that pretty much was the end of it until 'she' wanted to test 'her' combat capabilities
but instead of using simulation BG 'she' used me as a punching bag basically and now here we are.