[font=segoe print bold]Man, what a draw-back. All those pictures~ Anyways, no time to get sad. Here's the next batch of pussy for all of ya. XD[/font]
[font=segoe print bold]And hey lookkie what I've found. A manga about cats and stuff. I've just started so I don't know much about it but it's pretty interesting. The title is :
Gakuen Sousei Nekoten! Well have fun reading it. That's all for now. See you next time. :)[/font]
[font=segoe print bold]edit: Hey, is it just me, or the spoilers aren't working ?[/font]
[font=segoe print bold]Nwm, seems like they fixed it.
Anyways, post away people. Even if it's just a brainfart or a little bump it's okay, just be civilized. Thx.[/font]