KurosawaAnontoo quote="Waar wrote...
KurosawaAnon wrote...
Learn how to communicate in IB? What's that? You're obligated to talk like a retard 24/7? Which rule did I break? Oh, and because you're a moderator everybody should suck your dick? That's highly hypocritical, really. I can't believe you haven't understood anything yet, the only difference is my way of fucking around takes a little bit more brain cells to understand than your usualy obvious brainless shit.
"Guys insult eachother, don't take it seriously, I'll ban people as soon as they do it to me though."
What actually makes you believe I took anything seriously? Has it ever crossed your so called sherlock holmes mind that my entire purpose of this was to have a little bit of fun with IB? You called me out for apparently being weak when in reality that was the entire point in the first place, you and the other ones are the only ones that were actually being targeted from the start. Call it like you want it, a shark in disguise perhaps. If you feel offended from this though, I guess it's your problem, you should lurk around more until you're ready for IB, you shouldn't take anything seriously, right? Because I'm not, and I'm showing it right now, without breaking any single rule, and still holding you by the tip of the nose, it's worked fine so far, being entertained to the fullest.
It's funny you think the fact you may not have broken any rules matters. I'm not asking you to suck my dick, but that you heed my warnings. You believe my "shit" is brainless, that's cute.
Again, not banning you for insulting me.
You're right, you obviously aren't taking this seriously... trying to debate the ban and fight me clearly shows you're letting IB roll off your back... what color is the sky in that delusional world of yours? If and when you get back from those 7 days feel free to continue posting, hopefully your can mend your ways otherwise ill have to extend your timeout.
Where's the part where I get banned though? I think you've been talking big about it at least three or four times acting like you're some kind of god, I'm still waiting for said ban, or perhaps you finally understood you had no justified reason to actually ban me, and you're just attempting to find one? If you want to ban people for no proper reason at all, that's your thing, goes to show how much you can't respect your own set of rules. You're the only delusional person here, being a moderator on a cartoon porn website doesn't make you magically smarter or better than anyone else in this world, it's sad you've failed to understand that. You've been making false assumptions the entire time, trying to act like some kind of detective when in reality your sense of reasoning is extremely poor and biased.
I'm not debating a ban, hell I haven't even got one yet, I'm just making fun of your way of thinking, you're an hilarious individual who thinks he's above everyone else. I've seen that plenty of time, you can keep doing that all you want but one day it'll bite you in the ass and I won't even have to tell you who's going to do that.
It's also quite funny you can't understand simple expressions, you're taking the "suck your dick" in a literal sense, when in reality it's just pointing out how you expect people to treat you better than anyone else around here.
You, are the very definition of what you've tried to define me as. Weak, a fish, and you're being targeted right now. I threw the bait, you got hooked in. Self-centered moderators are always the best catches, they make for an hilarious show, top notch entertainment.
It was the entire purpose, since the very start.[/quote]
Please calm yo tits foo I will interwebs slap you....in ib for ib with ib