Yama-kun wrote...
Nekohime wrote...
Yama-kun wrote...
Lucia wrote...
mrprince04 wrote...
Haburi-Chan wrote...
Welcome backs~! :3 *huggles*
There was all this tentacle talk earlier... Was weird~ >.>;
I like tentacles on boys tho...
Now there is two girls that likes it.. Circe and Lucy
And Neko and Cinnamon!
But er, on to girlier stuff. I have decided that Body Shop's Tea Tree oil line is made of win. I usually only buy the facial wash, but since right now they have a 5 for $30 back to school sale on stuff including all the other tea tree oil stuff, I went ahead and bought the facial wash, toner, skin clearing moisturizer, concealer, and body wash. So much win. I came out of the shower feeling all tingly fresh.
Now we have three people that likes tentacles... i think
What did you brought those for? since you said tea... i think you want to make that
Hmmm, four girl tentacle-lovers, yeah?
The tea-tree oil isn't for tea, lol. It's soaps and moisturizers and all that stuff. Feels sooooooo good on the skin. Tingly ftw!
edit: and hurrah for having avatar-changes back! Miyuki as Mikuru ftw!