Akira The Drunk wrote...
Kona-chan wrote...
Akira The Drunk wrote...
Kona-chan wrote...
Akira The Drunk wrote...
I guess liking girls doesn't get you in huh.
I like girls, and I made it in... :3
i don't have girl parts tho D:
Me neither... ;3
Ah ok :D but i'm not girly : o
:P therein lies your appeal, Akira [getting my flirt on] lol
@ Ash: I used to date an effeminate, pretty boy in junior high and got dumped by him because I wasn't fashionable enough... lol. I thought he was sexy as hell because he had a tight little ass (all the other girls thought so, too). Looking back that must be when I started to develop a kinky perversion for homo related stuff. As to whether or not, I would date a transexual, the answer would be a no.
@ Desu-chan: Hello, there ^^