koko7 wrote...
Nekohime wrote...
Bug post for Koko-tan...
Nah, with the shots, you have to go to the doctor every three months to get them. That's another reason why I don't want them--who wants to see their doc more than once a year to be poked? Nope, not me.
Hand-holding would be nice for when they insert the IUD though. XD
but but..D": they just shoot u up and then kick u out~! Im assuming its uhhh in the hip area..that area urr wazzit called...oh wait-looked it up- Are you kidding meeeeeeeee~! Its put in under the booty or arm thats so simple~! I was thinking a little more painful and stuck in a certain area below the belt but maaaan.
Sideeffects...o_o Of screw that Im gonna get fat and unhappy~):
-irregular or no menstrual periods
-weight gain, headaches, and breast tenderness
Oh, no no no, you're thinking of the subdermal implant, where they stick a plastic stick that releases hormones in your arm area. Nuuuu. That one is a bit more scary to me, actually. I want the IUD, which they stick up in your uterus. It's good for 5 or 10yrs, and is the most effective non-permanent contraceptive option (not counting abstinence).
Anyway...today I had the mad urge to garden and make some flower arrangements. The roses are blooming nicely, and I thought hey, why not cut some? But noooo. I ended up looking like an emo kid because of the damn thorns. Rosebush 1, Neko 0. T_____T