Geass_Lady wrote...
PrinnyKaboom wrote...
Nekohime wrote...
Geass_Lady wrote...
Do you like MLP as well Nekohime?
Ahahaha, of course I do.
Well, at least I know I'm not alone. I just got done re-watching "The Stare Master" and realizing for the 20th time that Fluttershy is adorable.
Yay, MLP is so funny, and the ponies are so cute.
I'm not sure which hosting site you guys prefer, but you might enjoy this. :3
Clicky clicky~
Edit: I loved Disgaea 2 and all the offshoots from it, as well as Prinny:Can I Really Be The Hero?! 1 and 2. I've yet to play 3 yet, but it looks good.