[color=#ff69b4]*walks out of shower and sits down on the couch*
[color=#993300]*walks out of shower and sits and makes dumplings*
I can set up a battle sim if you want Aramos, if not, lab's always open, you can find something to do there.
Edit: The hell Tsamari? Same time too
*warps arms around sneak* and watches
[color=#993300]*looks up* Hi Darling *holds up a dumpling* Want one?
Just saw the hello Ara-san I can't talk much this week sadly, I have a test on friday plus a bunch of clinical simulations and reports.... doing better for the most part, just the usual stress from school.
[color=#993300]*smiles gently on at the happy faces of the club! then resumes work*
[color=#FFFFFF]*and masks the possible upcoming month long period of sorrow*