Prince Hamlet wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
xhimitsu wrote...
that is fine! I rly want to see some of your art~
[color=#993300]Since embedding didn't work, I uploaded a sample
here. [color=#993300]A few collabs, a few sketches, mix and match. A portrait is up there too. Guess which one
[color=#006FFF]I absolutely love the first one. The mixture of colors and just the soft look of it all is very nice. If you don't mind me asking, what program(s) do you use?
[color=#993300]Which is why it went first. I will say, though, that I tried to add glasses to it, but one, I have no idea how to add profile glasses and two, all my shit broke thereafter. Nevertheless, I used a plethora of programs and some assistance from friends for that one. Photoshop, Manga Studio, Tayusi Sketches, Pixlr, Lightroom...I think that covers it, though maybe I used Aviary at one point....