Tsamari wrote...
Prince Hamlet wrote...
@Tsama; I've been pretty good. Been playing a ton of Mario Kart 8, which is a lot of fun (especially online with my brother); as well as watching a lot of Hunter x Hunter, something I've been on the fence about starting for many years now and only just recently got into. It's very rare for me to watch 40+ episodes of anything in a matter of two days, so I suppose you could say I'm enjoying myself when it comes to watching it, haha.
[color=#ff69b4]I wish i had a Wii-u to play that. I have been playing Dark souls and watching a lot of Bakemonogatari over the past few days. I'm trying to watch all of the monogatari animes because a new one is starting up soon and i wo7uld like to watch it when it starts up.
[color=#006FFF]I used to be such a -Monogatari fanatic back with Bakemonogatari; but after the second season/series focusing on Shinobu, I couldn't go on. It went from being about these interesting stories about this varied cast to being too much about the girls themselves. Because of this, the series suffers from too much unneccessary fan service. I know it's had it's fair share of it in the past but it was always few and far apart. As the series goes on it becomes more noticeable that they're upping it majorly. I love Hanekawa--she's a great character--but when they show her body off in Nekomonogatari (part 2 or whatever--I just called it Toramonogatari) all the time, I kind of get upset because it lessens her character a lot.
Iono. The quality and quirkiness of the series is definitely there, and I respect and admire that still, but it's turned into too much of a strange harem-esque series for me to continue. Bakemonogatari still remains as a classic favorite of mine though. That had a perfect blend of everything I think.
And though it's not very related, Katanagatari has to be one of the most under-appreciated anime out there. It's written by the same novelist but animated in a totally different style--it's much more artistic in many ways, I would say But that's besides the point, heh.
@Look; link doesn't work for me--I see the sad panda.
@Sneak; you totally should. The game is so much fun!
@Everyone else; Heyo! o/