xhimitsu wrote...
Aramos wrote...
xhimitsu wrote...
Aramos wrote...
xhimitsu wrote...
Aramos wrote...
xhimitsu wrote...
Aramos wrote...
xhimitsu wrote...
Aramos wrote...
-Standing outside in the rain-
SENPAI!! -gloomps-
-glomped- Hello Himitsu, How are you doing?
I went for a swim and everything was okay! THANK YOU SO MUCH~
You're welcome, I'm glad everything worked out -hugs-
-huuugs back- So how was your day? c:
It was okay just worked all day then came home to the rain pouring down so now I am just relaxing, How about you?
It seems to always rain around you huh? Good your clothes are waterproof!
Tbh I haven't doing much today.. spend the entire time on Fakku OTL -failureinlife-
Why is looky-chaan eyes so sparkling?
Well today it started raining when I left work and its suppose to rain all night and maybe tomorrow but will see. Well thats still doing something though so its all good -Pets-
I have no idea.
-puuur~- I think it will rain here soon too. I hope it will~ and yeah.. Though I wish I had focussed a bit more on my studies or at least went outside.
Well the weather person said it might be unstable till next week but sometimes they are always wrong, but we could always use more rain.
Its okay you're entitled to a day of rest and relaxing so no worries.
Misaki_Chi wrote...
xhimitsu wrote...
How do you tell a guy you friend zoned him without being a bitch?

Me and some other people wrote some things here that might help
Just be honest and calm about it. Other then that, if they think you're a b*tch for it, then that's their problem. Sometimes it just happens sadly. Believe me when I say it's gets easier.
Hey Misaki-Senpai~
Thank you for the link ^^)/[/quote]
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Aramos wrote...
Yah I guess you could say that still tired and sore, How about you?
tired and sore from doing what?
@Tsamari: hello Tsu-senpai (^w^)
Just watched the next No Game No Life episode.... I love this show so much. Making my heart go all *doki doki* lol
Work its been very busy this past month and It seems its going to be still pretty busy this month from what I've seen, plus I was trying to lift something up high and I heard my shoulder pop which cause me to drop the object on my skull.