Misaki_Chi wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
@Azelle: Usually when you are good at one you are not so great at the other. I'm a good cook, but I don't do so well at baking lol. The first few time I made cookies it was either hockey pucks or cookie dough without the cooked part :P
@Tsamari: I tend to cook late at night as well so I was happy to get an appartment where I could do that. I also got a crock pot and a rice cooker for christmas so I've been breaking them in since I have the time. I think once you get your own place that will get easier for you!
[color=#ff69b4]I would still eat the cookies i don't care if they are hockey puck or dough <3
I don't see myself moving out for a year or year and a half max. Trying to get some part time work but no luck.
You and my bf tell me the same thing so thanks lol. Even if you had to stay longer, just do what works for you. The job market has been pretty shitty for a while so hopefully you stay determied and find something soon (^^)
@Azelle: Enjoy breakfast and I will if I see her, we've been on such different time schedules as of late that I might take a while lol (I miss her too).
[color=#ff69b4]I'll eat just about anything :3 it's something i got from my mom. She was always telling my bro and I never to be picky with food. So i have a lot of odd food in my life and it was that best thing every. I don't care if it was green and moving. :D
Yeah, finding a job is hard right now but i have family trying to help me find one. I'll be happy with just about anything so long as i am making some money and i can save up for things.
My mom is always telling me "Work smart, not hard." Her point being if your working to hard you throw out your back. If you work smart you get to do what she is doing and work at home and wear your PJ's all day. XD
AzelleFans wrote...
@Tsamari: You can do it. Computer skill is nice, since they're important in workfield.
[color=#ff69b4]I just don't feel like being good with Computer is that big of a thing right now.