Aramos wrote...
AliceSinWonderland wrote...
Aramos wrote...
AliceSinWonderland wrote...
Aramos wrote...
AliceSinWonderland wrote...
Aramos wrote...
-sitting in the corner with his left metal arm craddled between his knees while he used a tool to fix his arm-
*plays with Aki-chan's hair while he's busy*
-Still working-
Hello Alice, take care Misaki feel better.
*looks at your arm* hi hi o.o What happened to your arm?
Just fixing it, my metal limbs are indestructible but prone to break downs
^_^ just a little bit of maintenance and poof they'll be back to awesomeness
Edit: *huggles Tsasa-chan* ^_^
I guess but they breakdown alil too often, their design is alil bit flawed.
(o.o) Oh maybe you just need to find better materials and reconstruct it
Revelation wrote...
Mr. Popo wrote...
Revelation wrote...
*sits in corner, not getting huggled*
help. please.
Mr. Popo... nice to meet you ^_^ hi hi um X__________X
i'm no help at all Sorry Eve *takes out pokeball* Return!
*o* Pokeballs on the inside would be so cool!!! They have their own little couches and play toys inside *o* Pokeball paradise!