Tsamari wrote...
Prince Hamlet wrote...
[color=#006FFF]Well enough. I went out with my brother and sister earlier, got lunch, walked the dog after. It's hot as hell over here though, so it feels really nice to take a shower and lie around in the air conditioned house again. Other than that, not much happening today. Looking forward to the thunderstorms coming tonight/tomorrow though.
How are things with you?
[color=#ff69b4]Oh you like thunderstorms? We had some last night that was pretty fun.
Well enough. I ended up getting lots of sleep last night thank god, but I'm still a little sleepy as always.
As of right now I'm just watching the last little bit of anime I start this season before the things I want to watch for the new season start up.
I also want to make some more badges, but there no point right now, but I did make one for my first claim for the new game last night before going to bad.
[color=#006FFF]Yeah, I love thunderstorms, and rain in general. Wish it'd rain more often tbh.
Good to hear you're getting some sleep given that you stay up for so many hours on end.
If it isn't too much trouble and I don't think of something more preferable to them, I'm probably going to end up coming to you for these badges. Assuming you don't mind of course. I've never had the badges done before just because I never wanted to add to the load of people the makers of them already had to deal with.