Prince Hamlet wrote...
[color=#006FFF]I know this feel. Sorta. When I went to NY to visit my aunt years ago, we all hung out at Time Square in the city and it was great. Then the next day we came back home to our nothing. But hey, at least it's just your area that you find boring and now your whole state. DE is the most boring state ever. e_e The lack of taxes is very nice but the lack of anything to even buy really isn't great.
[color=#ff69b4]I mean the state itself can be very boring I will say that, but yeah my area is boring. Everyone I used to talk to move away or they pissed me off and I stop talking to them. I do like knowing that I have friends a few hours away, but I don't like that I can't just see them when ever I feel like it.
If I could just find something to do for a few hours a day or make at least $100 a week I would be happy.