asaforever wrote...
Good on my end, weekend started, tomorrow my gaming crew will be over for yet another 12 hour League of legends day, so i have something to look forward to.
Also finally found the final season of my favourite anime that apparently aired without me knowing so, lel. Therefore downloading its episodes as we speak, while watching some Korean girlbands on YT.
How bout your plans till Al comes back?
Not nearly as exciting as yours, I'm afraid. Since I'm at her apartment, I can't be too crazy since she has roommates. I'm just typing up another chapter to my story in hopes that I might be able to put up two in quick succession.
When Al comes bask, we're probably going to go on another date downtown. Might take her to a movie, but I'm definitely taking her out for dinner and dessert. I'll see if I can put up more pictures of dessert! Hahaha!
ErinTime wrote...
Good morning, leaving for work in a few, driving to new Hampshire tomorrow morning
Hello!~ How longs a few?