DatYuriThough wrote...
Yay~ ^^
Has she ever shown signs of being attracted to you? I guess since you chit-chat she must like you at least?
I know nothing about woman xD Or what signs she may or may not be giving ^^;;
We just chit chat about how are days/week have been, I've mentioned by job to her we've talked about video games and today we talked about anime (so at least we have some general same interests)
Last week when I left, she did, in a rather enthusiastic way ask that I come by again next week and today when I did, she seemed quite happy I did and even vocally expressed so, by saying she was happy I did, but since its a market she probably always has to say such things when ppl leave and later she did say she was glad I came because she didn't have to work anymore since a customer (me) came in.
So idk....