SneeakyAsian wrote...
Looky-tan wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Ok then.....good thing I was about to leave....
Nyuu! No leaving! *grabs you and we smother Misaki-Chi Nee-san with huggles*
Looky, I have my cumulative research presentation paper draft due this Friday, and I was told this today, I have to go, I'll check in occasionally
Just take a hiatus like I do when stuff like this comes up, well still be here with open arms when you return. Don't want you to fail!!
Aramos wrote...
I dont get it....
basically I am an eternal lurker and we like to spam a lot of skype lol
Looky-tan wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Ok then.....good thing I was about to leave....
Nyuu! No leaving! *grabs you and we smother Misaki-Chi Nee-san with huggles*
Hiya Looky-chan (^^)