DatYuriThough wrote...
Looky-tan wrote...
How are you doing?
*Hugs* Meh...not great. My girlfriend was meant to call me during her lunch break but she didn't. So I've been feeling lonely. I'm so clingy...
Other than that I've been fine, getting myself pumped for my exam results tomorrow!
How are you Looky?
*hugs* Somewhat the same ^^;;
I am, very, clingy and my Tessa is with his cousins. I always call him on my lunch breaks during my work week, but its my days off, and he's not online, so I am not sure when he might be free to answer the call. He doesn't usually have his phone on any setting besides vibrate, so yeah... I am lonely too.. but I have all my friends here too so ^_^.
Edit: Just called him now, had to tell him I love him. ^_^