Looky-tan wrote...
BlinkXPoke wrote...
Looky-tan wrote...
BlinkXPoke wrote...
She was my first rare ship, and I spent so long with her that I just had to make her my waifu. I love her so much, lol. So many battles together, so long as my secretary ship~~
*never actually played the game*
You can really get attached to the characters if you play the game using them long enough~
Mhm totally agree, got lots of games I've played where I am really attached to certain girls, its a shame the series didn't get enough attention or even fan art etc. usually are the cases later. There are soooooo many girls out there so there are bound to be some that just never get attention.
For sure. Like, I'm pretty surprised for the lack of fanart for Drakenguard 3, where my 4th waifu is from. I got pretty attached to the characters there.
Tsamari wrote...
BlinkXPoke wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
CO2 wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
CO2 wrote...
Anti-waifus 2014
Never waifus suck!
Ah, if only I could bring my dakis to places. I'm doubtful, all of them are lewd, lol, at least on one side.
I have seen people walk around with dakis at conventions, though. Once again, though, they're relatively clean.
[color=#ff69b4]Do it anyways! Take them to all the conventions!
I mean... I could... but I'd be a bit embarassed, lol. Kinda hypocritical, considering I bought em and showed em off to friends, tho.