Tsamari wrote...
Looky-tan wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#ff69b4]Hi Hi~ How are you?
I am good~ its the weekend now, but I am still a bit pissed about how work was today.. >_>.
[color=#ff69b4]What happen this time?
Well I went into work early, at noon. I wanted to leave early, just cuz ya know, its my weekend and I am there working overtime, so leaving early would also save the company money, but because of stupid scheduling, one co-worker already left from our department, so I also couldn't leave or there would only be 1 person left there which we can't do. It's total BS >_> I started before her, and just cuz her schedule is that way, she got to leave and I was still stuck there for 2 more hours.....
*clings to Poke-chan and Tsamarinyan* ;-;