Looky-tan wrote...
DatYuriThough wrote...
Well Looky, it's a place that makes me feel suicidal and has stolen whatever sanity I was born with.
I think there was a mistranslation somewhere because it should be referred to as HELL!
Tsamari wrote...
DatYuriThough wrote...
Well that's bad timing on the part of the weather D:
It's going to be shit...but I don't have a choice so I guess I gotta ;-;
[color=#ff69b4]When I walked in the door my mom saw me, started laughing for a minute, then my dad was just like "oh... it said it was going to rain at about 5pm" So I just dry off, and come to see if my BF was on.
I think you'll been fine at school, Yuri~
Well at least you could dry off and see him (^^)
No I won't. I'm not smart. And I don't mean that in a "Oh why should I even bother" kind of way, more like I'm not smart and people expect too much from me and I end up failing because of the pressure and then I get the "Oh you just didn't try hard enough!" response.