Prince Hamlet wrote...
[color=#006FFF]Oooor maybe it has something to do with the sleep deprivation. o3o
[color=#ff69b4]It's not sleep deprivation. I feel a bit better now because I just ate something and got some sugar in me now, but it's not going to late very long.
xhimitsu wrote...
Maybe I should go on Diet and eat less >u<)/
Diet's them self not work. It comes down to you most of the them.
I can and will eat a lot when i can, but I don't put on anything. It comes down to the person and his/her body.
When people say "Diet" most people think no sweet, no fast food, no meat, etc, etc, but in the end that what gets them most of the time. People eat cuz they feel like eating most of the time when they should be eating when they need to.