All though my men and I have gone renegade, we are still guardsmen.
Men, rally up and form a defensive line along the perimeter of the base.
Fire Support Teams, set up your heavy bolters, auto-cannons, and lascannons.
Mortar Support squads, position yourselves upon the hills and ridges around the base, rain destruction upon any hostile ground forces when they are within range.
1st Infantry Company - You hold the front, take as many of them with you.
2nd Mechanized Company - Out fit some of the Chimeras with auto-cannons and perform hit-and-run attacks. Neutralize as many of the enemy's mobile armour, leave the Sentinels to aid in the defense.
3rd and 4th Company - Provide support for 1st and 2nd Company.
5th and 6th Company - Defend the inner perimeter of the base.
Basilisks, prepare your Earthshaker Cannons, bring the very sky crashing down upon the enemy's head.
The main task of the Basilisk is to fire artillery barrages to support front-line units. They are directed by companies far forwards, often on the front lines, or by other high ranking Imperial Guard officers. Most shots fired are High Explosives, but other shells such as Smoke Shells, Incendiary Shells and Illumination Shells are sometimes used. Its high strength and range make it deadly for bombarding enemy positions and can be upgraded to fire from behind cover, making it an invisible killer.
Vehicles are just as vulnerable to the fire of a Basilisk as infantry, although its accuracy is doubtful in the face of long distance fights. The Earthshaker can be moved down to a much lower angle than most other weapons of its type, allowing it to for fire as an assault gun instead of artillery piece. This allows it to engage targets at a relatively short range, where its accuracy is somewhat better.
The Earthshaker Cannon is the greatest piece of Imperial Guard artillery commonly deployed to battlefields. It is best known for it's range, so great that it can realease a mighy barrage on enemy positions from well beyond the range of other conventional weapons. It is also exceptionally powerful due to the large calibre shells it fires, often devastating a small area rather than a single point.
Hydra Flak Tanks, the moment you spot any hostile air force, clip their wings.
Ready the Marauder and Valkyrie fighters to intercept surviving hostile air force.
Send 6 Leman Russ Battle Tanks and Leman Russ Exterminators to the defensive line, they will make short work of any approaching armour.
2 Leman Russ Vanquishers and 5 Leman Russ Punishers will remain with 5th and 6th Company in the defense of the inner perimeter.
"Men, although we have gone renegade and are branded as traitors and heretics, we are still Guardsmen.
You fought and displayed loyalty and bravery far and above your calling as Guardsmen.
You have faced the horrors of the Warp, the full brunt of an Ork WAAAGH!!, the treachery and betrayal of the Eldar, and even heresy within our own ranks - You survived everything that the universe could throw at you.
In that, I am honoured to have led you.
This maybe our final battle, but let's show the enemy what the Imperial Guard are made of.
There will be no retreat, no surrender, we will stand firm and fight to the last man."