Satsugai wrote...
Hear my warnings, unbelievers. Carried to your minds by the power of the Prince of Excess himself. We have raised altars in this land so that we may sacrifice you to our gods. Veterans of ten millennia of unholy war wait to grind you beneath the treads of their mighty boots. The chosen of Khorne hunger to add you to their bloody tally. The Blood God himself has marked this land, and will claim your skulls for his throne. There is no hope in opposing the inevitable. Put down your arms, unbelievers, and bow before the forces of Chaos Undivided.
-Eliphas the Inheritor, Dark Apostle of the Word Bearers Legion
darkness is what i can control those who bear the name of darkness or have a dark side inside of him shall be under direct control to me. that's mean you chaose undivided are belong to me now....

the future of team A is nearing it's end