Renovartio wrote...
what is human plus?
i already beat the game before
i just wanted to know how it is to beat it actually using the mech i want to rather then the one i have to
Human Plus ability gives you ability to pilot overweight mechs, increased energy, decreased booster drain, gives radar to non-radar AC's (or improves the one you got), blade weave, and ability to fire back cannons without kneeling.
You get it by repeatedly failing missions.
In 3 and Silent Line it was replaced by Op-INTENSIFY which was an option part you got after completing the game. By fulfilling different conditions (blowing up certain stuff in certain missions with it equipped)you unlocked the Plus-like abilities.
In Nexus and Last Raven it was removed, though AI still has access to it.
Also, it's hard to pass any armored core by relaying on any one design.