Medzy wrote...
Prince Hamlet wrote...
Ryssen wrote...
"I want it participate - wait no I don't." - Half of the people in this thread
[color=#006FFF]Seriously. This is just for fun people; I understand some may not be too confident in what they might have to offer as a gift or may worry they won't get someone they know and therefore feel unable to give a "gift" but I doubt anyone expects anything stupendous or anything like that--it's just a fun thing to do.
I hardly know any of the participants exceptionally well but regardless of who I get I'm going to draw something for them based on some background checking and hope they like it because I like participating in these (plus I enjoy surprising people with a drawing).
If you're dropping out of it for other reasons (e.g. traveling and therefore won't have time, etc.) then I understand. Otherwise, I think it'd be great if those who put their foot in could keep it in. It's fun, people!
I have anxiety issues and a problem getting far too anxious about things like this.
I try waaay too hard, I lose sleep, and I hate the thought of being judged by people I don't know very well.
Is this a good enough reason?
Didn't mean to bring anything down...
[color=#006FFF]If you have your own reasons, that's fine--I don't mean to call the attention to any individual so much as just to say that this is one of those things where "The more, the merrier" is a definite factor, and with people dropping after joining it can feel a little disappointing since that's one, or two, or however many people less being involved.
If you don't want to participate in it, that's totally fine. I just hope that it doesn't make for some sort of domino effect where people think "Well if _____'s dropping out, then so am I."