aznstoner wrote...
This topic should be changed to,"Users dug too deep?", cause you guys are really pushing it with these boring revivals.
I understand that you guys want to bump cool topics back into discussion, but don't do so by simply posted a,"WTF!?", or a,"Lol!! that was teh funniez/pwnzor." If you're gonna bump a REALLY old topic, at least share some insight to it, for example, the Chuck Norris Joke thread that was recently bumped, why simply bump it with quotations of other peoples jokes and then give a simple reply in acknowledgment of how funny it was. Why not contribute to the funny instead?
I'm not bumping old topics out of the mere fact that it is just funny, I don't care if it's old. I'm tired of seeing the RS just dominate IB with it's spamfest.