Foreground Eclipse wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Lollikittie wrote...
YOLO#swag9 wrote...
But Chan-chan, you don't have one /:
1. Who are you,
2. I wasn't.. quoting for me.. dumbass, that was my Art impression... THANKS FOR NOT GETTING IT AND MAKING ME HAVE TO EXPLAIN IT. GOD. I'M SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS.
I'm surprised the avatar didn't give it away, and all the samus pictures he's been posting.
I didn't get who it was until the Samus pictures started appearing.
The way he writes, and his avatar gave it away to me. And then he denied it, so I was like 'oh, maybe it's not' then he sent me a message on facebook saying 'Hah, you fell for it' so, yep.